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Purina Enrich Plus Balancing Horse Feed

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Family Owned & Operated

US - Raised

Quality Guaranteed



HORSES NEED MORE NUTRITION THAN FORAGE ALONE CAN PROVIDE. Some horses—whether due to an efficient metabolism, light workload, or high-quality forage-based diet—can maintain their weight on hay or pasture with little to no feed. However, forages alone do not provide the necessary amount or balance of all nutrients, creating inconsistencies and deficiencies. This is also true for horses fed unfortified grains such as oats or corn, which are variable in their protein, vitamin and mineral content. Enrich Plus® is a concentrated, pelleted ration balancing horse feed that may be fed as a horse’s sole ration along with quality hay or pasture to provide the proper balance of nutrients without unnecessary calories.


Purina Enrich Plus delivery available to New River, Desert Hills, Phoenix, Cave Creek, Rio Verde, Scottsdale, Glendale, Peoria and Surprise.



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